How can you support ORAS in its mission to "Educate & Inspire"?
ORAS is thankful for the many contributions by individuals, businesses, and organizations that have made our work possible over the past 34+ years. We can not do it without you!
The Oil Region Astronomical Society, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit charitable organization. Donations to ORAS are tax deductible. Please speak with a tax consultant if you have questions.
Seven Ways You Can Make a difference?
1. Make a Direct Donation TODAY – ORAS is a volunteer organization. Its work is made possible through regular donations of cash and volunteer efforts. Donations made directly to ORAS help us to “keep the lights on” and maintain the facilities and equipment so that we can serve the region on a day-to-day basis. In addition, direct donations help us to maintain our public outreach activities as we work to “Educate and Inspire” children and learners of all ages!
Make a donation TODAY by placing cash in the Donation Box at the Learning Center/Observatory, or via PayPal or Credit Card by clicking on the Donate Button below:
2. Oil Region Astronomy Education Endowment – The Endowment is managed by Bridge Builders Community Foundations (BBCF) in collaboration with ORAS, and provides an opportunity for individuals, businesses and community groups to contribute to the support of the Oil Region Astronomical Society services, programs and facilities, either directly or through legacy funds. As the Endowment grows, revenue is generated from the interest earned through investment to support ORAS activities in perpetuity for generations to come.
What are legacy funds? Have you every thought about how you can continue to have a positive impact well beyond your time on planet Earth? That’s what legacy giving is all about. These funds can help you support charitable causes that are important to you by planning now, but having the charitable donation not take effect until your passing. Legacy giving can be in the form of cash, stocks/bonds, personal property, land, etc.
The Endowment Fund provides an opportunity to contribute to the future of the Oil Region Astronomical Observatory and the educational purposes served by the Observatory; Instill a sense of pride and commitment by Observatory patrons; Enhance existing Oil Region Astronomical Society programs; Support new Oil Region Astronomical Society services or initiatives and Preserve the quality of Astronomical Society programs and facilities.
Make a Contribution to the Endowment TODAY: Click Here
3. Make a Legacy Donation: If you are interested in learning more about making a legacy donation, please discuss this option with your estate planner, or reach out directly to BBCF at 814-677-8687, or contact ORAS Board Member, Tim Spuck at 814-354-6515 or via email at [email protected].
4. Donation of Telescopes, Binoculars and other Observing Equipment: If you have equipment in good condition that you would like to donate, please bring it to the Oil Region Astronomy Learning Center during one of our Public Nights or ASTROBLAST, or contact us via the online form at the bottom of this page.
5. Make a Donation to help make our Outdoor Classroom a Reality: ORAS is in need of an outdoor classroom to better serve visiting groups. While a final design has not yet been completed, we envision something similar to the MariMac Outdoor Classroom in Anderson Park near Cincinnati (see artist rendition below). Make a cash donation by sending a check to:
Oil Region Astronomical Society
Outdoor Classroom Project
P.O. Box 1535
Oil City, PA. 16301
Donations can also be made via credit card using the DONATE button above.
6. Donate Materials and Labor for the Outdoor Classroom: In addition to cash, please feel free to donate lumber (2x4, 2x6, 2x8, wood sheeting, etc.), roofing, electrical supplies (outdoor outlets, wire, breaker box, etc.) etc. to make the Outdoor Classroom a reality. If you have building materials or services you would be willing to donate, please complete the contact form at the bottom of this page. We will reach out to you to make the necessary arrangements.
7. Become a Member of ORAS: You can also support ORAS through your membership. Please consider joining ORAS - CLICK HERE
7. Become a Member of ORAS: You can also support ORAS through your membership. Please consider joining ORAS - CLICK HERE